Local Approach to Discussion-Based Disaster Exercises and Readiness (LADDER)
Local Approach to Discussion-Based Disaster Exercises and Readiness (LADDER)

Contact Information

N-107 Ag. Science Center North 1100 S Limestone Street Lexington, KY 40546-0091

Exercise Materials

Exercise Materials

Exercise Materials

To the right, you will find printable materials needed for the LADDER game and overall exercise.

Module 1: Interactive gameplay.

Module 2: Guided discussion to validate local plans, policies, and procedures.

Post-Exercise Evaluation: Complete an Exercise Evaluation Guide (EEG) and After Action Report (AAR).


Project supported by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Smith Lever Special Needs Competitive Grants Program (2018-41210-28701 and 2021-41210-35031).

Contact Information

N-107 Ag. Science Center North 1100 S Limestone Street Lexington, KY 40546-0091